Terms of service

Everything on marcojones.dev ("the site") is a display of my creative and technical ability. I reserve copyright of all assets that I own. You may not copy or distribute them without my explicit permission.

All data and content that you upload to the site is your responsibility. I am not responsible for any loss of data or content that you upload to the site. Nor am I responsible for any illegal content that you upload to the site which I will remove once I notice it.

I reserve the right to remove any content that I deem inappropriate or illegal under the laws of the United Kingdom uploaded by any user.

I reserve reserve the right to remove any user that I deem to not be acting within our content policy.

Content Policy

You are not allowed to upload any content that is illegal under the laws of the United Kingdom, or inappropriate. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Age restricted content
  • Abusive language

If at any point you want to download an extract of your data, or delete your account and data, you can do so from your account settings.